✅ Only 5% of breast cancers are related to BRCA gene mutation. The other 95% are related to diet and lifestyle.
✅Researchers found 66 reports that mentioned problems with mammography for women with breast implants. The majority (62.1%) of problems reported were for breast implant rupture.
✅Implants can interfere with the detection of breast cancer in mammograms, as approximately 55 percent of breast tumors will be hidden in women with implants, not to mention the increased risk of rupture.
✅ Mammograms cause DNA damage, and low dose radiation can actually *cause* breast cancer. A Canadian study done on 90,000 women over 25 years indicated that mammography didn’t reduce breast cancer mortality rate not even by 1%. In fact, they were just as effective as a self breast exam that women do.
✅FOR EVERY WOMAN THE HARM OF MAMMOGRAMS ALWAYS OUTWEIGHS THE BENEFIT is the consensus among most doctors today who have researched them especially when considering advancements in technology today, both with labs and screenings.
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Today’s episode is about the newest technology that every woman needs to know about, the SonoCine. This is a less toxic method for breast cancer detection, and has ZERO radiation exposure. I interviewed Jasmine Khordandi, an ultrasound technician that uses the SonoCine daily and her experience detecting breast cancer.
In this episode
- 1. What is the SonoCine and how does it differ from a traditional mammogram
- 2. The DANGERS of mammograms: from compression to radiation
- 3. What western medicine DOES NOT offer you and millions of other women: a functional approach to breast cancer detection
- 4. How to find a local testing center with SonoCine
To debunk and disrupt and demystify, destroy and “de-story” to decrease the lies and replace with truth.
My mission = Destroy toxins, “De-story” trauma
The formula = Cleanse your Body, Heal Your Hormones, Ignite your Life (Cleanse your Trauma, Heal your Body, , Ignite your Soul Goal) Cleanse your Trauma, Heal your Tissues, Ignite your Transformation.
Heal your Emotions, Detox your Ego, Find your Joy
Outcome = Freedom, Self Love, All Day Energy, Natural Beauty, Intuition, A Trusting Relationship with your Body
In my EXPLANT SOLUTION: Overcoming Breast Implant Illness program one of our members sent me this question: “I am seriously leaning towards “explant” and had talked to my husband about it with my plan of first getting a mammogram then seeing the surgeon that placed the implants in the beginning. Now I am questioning all of that. Is it safe to even get a mammogram?”
We highly recommend you know the risks before you do this, with these 3 key points being:
👉According to stopcancerfund.org, breast implants can interfere with the detection of breast cancer by obscuring the mammography image of a tumor and potentially delaying the diagnosis of breast cancer. American Cancer Society warns that the X-rays used in mammograms cannot go through silicone or saline implants well enough to show the underlying breast tissue where your radiologist is looking for signs of cancer.
👉Researchers found 66 reports that mentioned problems with mammography for women with breast implants. The majority (62.1%) of problems reported were for breast implant rupture.
👉Implants can interfere with the detection of breast cancer in mammograms, as approximately 55 percent of breast tumors will be hidden in women with implants, not to mention the increased risk of rupture.
There are so many other things you can do to detox harmful Xeno-estrogens that fuel cancer, such as:
• 1.5 cups of edamame daily is enough to cancel out and reverse the BRCA gene mutation.
• 35 tsp of ground flax seeds fed to women over 30 years, their markers decreased anywhere from 30-73% – tumor size, tumor markers.
What Else?
Aside from breast implants, sources of xenoestrogens include plastics, pesticides, processed meats, packaged foods, parabens in beauty care products, phthalates in fragrance contained personal care and laundry products as well as water, since most filters do not adequately filter out prescription drugs such as birth control and run off from hormones used in agriculture.
So what ARE the benefits, if any, to women, implants or not. According to my friend Veronique Desaulniers of Breast Cancer Conqueror ”By the time they see a lump on a mammogram, it has taken five to eight years to develop. And if a woman follows the 10-year protocol of getting a mammogram every year or every six months, she is getting as much radiation as a woman had at Hiroshima; the atomic bomb, if she stood a mile away from the epicenter. She is getting over 5 rads of radiation in a mammogram if she follows the traditional methods of mammography.
So mammograms cause a lot of problems – the compression, the radiation. Studies have shown that they can INCREASE your risk of cancer. And the new study that came out in Canada, it was a 25-year study where they found that “mammograms did not decrease breast mortality rate at all. In fact, they were just as effective as a self breast exam that women do”.
My colleagues who sit on the board of Medical director programs are investing billions on this new technology, so I’m educating them on these risks, especially for women with implants. I’m hoping his voice will be heard at the national level, so women with implants will be prescribed a SAFER breast screening and women without implants are AT LEAST provided informed consent AND thoroughly examined for genetic/family history predispositions potentially exacerbated by radiation, before blindly trusting their doctors lead to have their tatas smashed like a pancake, in the name of ‘early detection’.
The best tools in a woman’s toolbox today I believe are:
1) A team of practitioners who can help you explore root causes for your symptoms and illness, the main being Toxins, Infections, Trauma and Shame, then come up with a game plan to help you self heal them ALL simultaneously, and efficiently as possible.
2) A Functional Medicine OB-GYN who offers comprehensive examinations and can prescribe the proper scans and protocols to you.
3) A family who supports you with the belief that your health is your MOST valuable asset and worth investing in. Paying out of pocket for testing and proper treatment is not a bad thing, in fact it’s THE best care you’re going to get, individualized or bio individualized, and taking all aspects of your life into account so that we can really get at the deepest level of what’s going on in the body and heal it FOR GOOD.
Western medicine does not offer this, so please know this: if you went to your Primary Care doctor and expected this kind of treatment, you will be sorely disappointed. The future of medicine is to take our health matters in our own hands, rather than putting all of our trust in the medical system, and your most POWERFUL weapon is to be informed.
Because you AND your boobies deserve the best….don’t they?
“Dense breast tissue means more connective tissue in our breasts compared to fat.” [19:45]
“Insurance can cover up to 50% of SonoCine” [21:20]
“I don’t like the word strict when it comes to diet, I like the term “abundant.” [31:30]
There is 70% more detection in SonoCine v.s. the traditional mammogram
More about Jasmine’s work in ultrasound.
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