I spent 23 years and over $35,000 on mistakes, that would have been spared had I known about this solution. I present to you my savings and face falls 🙂 “You’re welcome” – hehee!
GMO what?
Organic huh?
Gluten free – phhhhhst!
Get rid of my acne?
Ditch my skin issues?
Lose weight?
Feel better?
Be happier?
People can relate to the latter 5 MUCH better. Everyone inherently wants to LOOK, FEEL, THINK, SLEEP, SEX, MOVE … Their BEST!
We’ll spend ANY amount of money on goals TO LOOK BETTER, let’s just be blunt. We want to attract a mate, or be approved by our peers. And most of us don’t pay much regard to HOW we go about doing it….
We just want it to WORK!
I myself have had 23 years of skin issues…when you listen to this video, you’ll hear just how much I spent. And how much torture I did to my body. And how sad it still makes me daily to know it’s happening to millions of people daily. And how I STILL feel the damage leftover from taking harsh pharmaceuticals…doing it the WRONG way. And how every morning I wake up reminded of the HORRIBLE decisions I made in vain, STILL battling Candida from the war weapon left inside of my inside skin…the lining of my intestines are damaged. The chemicals I put on my skin and inside of my body because ALL I wanted was to look pretty, I just wanted glowing skin like those beautiful Asians and Brazilians had. And today…I suffer major nutritional deficiencies and likely a lifetime of IBS because of it. From birth control to Accutane, you name it, I took it.
Ok…so what if you could have THE SKIN OF YOUR DREAMS…without the chemicals to poison you from the outside IN? And what if…it costed LESS than the expensive toxic containing skin products on the market? And THEN what if…it saved you a TON of money down the road on kidney, liver and respiratory damage? In summary:
What if you could have glowing skin with toxic free products that cost less?
ie…HOW will this formula change your life?
And/OR the life of someone you care about?
From Amanda
Written after 1 week of use, and tears of joy in her eyes:
For nearly 19 years, acne has controlled my life. It has affected my self-esteem. It has kept me insulated. This is the one-and only product I have used that has worked. My skin glows. The acne diminishes every day. Irritation gone! The redness is fading. I am in absolute awe.
From KariAnn
I have always been embarrassed by my acne and the scarring as a result of it. I really don’t care for face make-up, but have always had to wear it, to hide my skin. I ordered my first full size bottle and within a few weeks I wasn’t experiencing any breakouts at all. My scarring began to fade away, my friends started to comment on how good my skin looked. My Mom asked me if I had laser treatments. Today, only a few months later, I no longer wear face make-up because for the first time in my life, my skin is not red and blotchy looking from scarring. I had so much more confidence in my job search, because I wasn’t constantly thinking they were starring at my skin. That little bottle of Golden Serum changed my life, forever.
From Dedi
On day 17 now and I really love this! Pores smaller, skin very soft, fine lines around my eyes have diminished and texture around eyes less crepe like. My smile lines ( ) are not as deep and the lines around my lips are also filling in some! I have used a lot of skin products and some may have slowed down aging, but I have never had anything that showed these kinds of improvements and certainly not this quickly!
Sanskrit is ancient yogic language of the yogis.
I am a yogi and a yoga teacher.
Ahimsa is Sanskrit means = ‘nonviolence.’
I must practice what I learned and preach what I believe.
Putting chemicals on the face is VIOLENT and damaging…to the inside of our body.
Laugh if you want or call me paranoid…but I’m not.
These things listed below in the images you’ll see…they are diseasing us left and right. Disrupting our thyroid gland, adding weight to our body, causing chronic fatigue, auto immune disease, cancer. Nope, I’m NOT exaggerating! Toxic personal care products are some of THE most damaging things we’re using today, and the LAST thing we consider as a MAJOR obstacle to health in our wellness arsenal. ‘But I eat so healthy, why do I still feel/look/think this way?’ Well…what are you putting ON your body? READ ON….
Doctors I sought out in tears when I was embarrassed about my skin.
They gave me nasty drugs they used on patients that had cancer…TO GET RID OF MY ACNE. And now there are multi billion dollar lawsuits happening from the damage they cause. The best of dermatologists and estheticians ARE NOT TAUGHT WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO HEAR AND READ ABOUT IN THIS BLOG/VLOG. It took me 23 years to discover this….so my greatest wish is that this saves you the time and money I spent in tens of thousands in mistakes and pain.
The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by doctors. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. It requires a new physician to swear, upon a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards.
“First do no harm”
I sit before you here, with MAJOR internal liver damage. Alive to tell you, I was VERY harmed. The drugs did a TON of harm to my body. And you can’t grow back your liver. THIS is what turned me into a health nut. To save my own life and support my body so that I can make up for the lost life these harmful acne drugs caused me. So I ask again?
Did you know?
The average woman applies between 200-500 chemicals on her body before she even leaves the house in the morning?
Did you also know?
Of the 75,000 + chemicals approved for use in our nation, ONLY 250 have been tested for safety?
That said, a girl’s gotta protect her tribe. So, in this blog, I am going to share with you the ONLY FACE CARE PRODUCT I HAVE EVER ENDORSED. Why haven’t I said YES to any of the hundreds of other lines I’ve been solicited to recommend in my line up? BECAUSE 90% OF PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS CONTAIN JUST 1 CARCINOGENIC CHEMICAL I CAUTION AGAINST USING, not to mention the long list of others. The one I’m referring to (Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate) combines with other chemicals, making it MORE toxic, damaging the kidneys and respiratory organs. Fellow Warriors, THIS is the same chemical used to clean garage floors.
WHY are we putting floor cleaners on our face?
Just LOOK at the ingredients on ANY personal care product, and I can GUARANTEE, in fact I’ll bet you $20 you will find one, if not MANY of these SUPER TOXIC man made ingredients listed above.
LouLei Botanicals uses anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-parasitic herbs…all of these pathogens are what is CAUSING our skin issues. These are ingredients fit for consumption AND application…for EVEN BETTER results than any expensive cream can buy! SERIOUS! Please share with your friends…be sure to use my link to be given the BEST price. Share your experience on Social Media, tell others, hashtag #myskineatstoo. I will be GIVING AWAY sparkles and SUPER SIZED jars of Herbal Face food to the Warrior or Warriorette, who Shares the RADDEST pictures and refers the most friends! Over $300 prizes given away in the month of April.
LouLei Botanicals Anti Aging Skin Serum is for those who are TRULY serious about refining their skin….WITHOUT the harsh chemicals that add toxins to our insides!
I use it every morning and night! I JUMPED on it when I read it’s the World’s 1st Organic, Raw, Edible, 100% plants FACE serum with an ORAC antioxidant rating of over 10 million, making it the most potent and powerful anti-oxidizing product of any kind. It’s made from organic plant concentrates, antioxidants and enzymes, which are sourced from all over the world and it’s proven to address the 10 most visible signs of aging: Wrinkles, large pores, dryness, redness, discoloration, loss of skin tone, firmness, smoothness, radiance, and brightness. The BEST part…it is: ANTI-OXIDANT, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, ANTI-BACTERIAL, ANTI-FUNGAL, ANTI-VIRAL, ANTI-AGING
NO parabens, sufates, propylene glycol, fragrance, Disodium EDTA, or other toxic ingredients you’re likely using that damage your INSIDES!
Experience multi-correctional benefits:
- Visually minimizes fine lines and wrinkles
- Deeply hydrates and nourishes
- Controls blemish-prone skin
- Diminishes pore size
- Noticeably improves skin texture
- Increases skin elasticity while it tightens
- Addresses scars and sun damage
- Lifts, firms, and tones skin
- Improves extremely dry or oily skin
- Brightens and evens skin’s appearance
- Beneficial for troublesome skin
- Organic. Wild-Crafted. Unsprayed