The lymphatic system is INCREDIBLE, here are just some of the things it does:
• Filters bacteria, foreign materials, toxins and harmful substances
• Drains excess fluid from tissues and cells into the bloodstream to prevent water retention
swelling & inflammation
• Transports proteins back into the blood supply
• Produces antibodies to fight bacteria
• Absorbs fat from intestines and transports it back to the liver
• Makes white blood cells called lymphocytes, which protect and defend against infection
* It moves slowly like a sloth
The lymphatic system:
• Filters bacteria, foreign materials, toxins and harmful substances
• Drains excess fluid from tissues and cells into the bloodstream to prevent water retention
swelling & inflammation
• Transports proteins back into the blood supply
• Produces antibodies to fight bacteria
• Absorbs fat from intestines and transports it back to the liver
• Makes white blood cells called lymphocytes, which protect and defend against infection
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This episode, I am joined by Kelly Kennedy, a biological holistic nutritionist whose studies began more traditionally as a pre-med student at Cornell University, receiving a degree in Biology. Her father had Hodgkin’s disease and passed away when she was just 20 years old. That same year she was in a bad car accident that left her in chronic pain, emotionally drained and her life in a state of upheaval.
After 3 years of succumbing to the contemporary allopathic approach without results, Kelly finally sought out a different approach and got relief from her pain permanently. Kelly did not understand precisely how she had healed, but knew she had found the answers she was seeking. Kelly began studying and working with Ian Kennedy and a skilled, passionate practitioner was born. Today we discuss ALL things lymph and what you can be doing to cleanse, heal and ignite!
In this episode
- 1. Learn how to LOVE on your Lymph, an underserved organ system
- 2. How traditional medicine does not set you up for success
- 3. How to optimize your Lymphatic system to assist your body in every healing process
- 4. How to turn your medical trauma upside down
Dr. Christine Schaffner’s Sophia Flow Cream
It’s a proprietary blend of probiotics, so it’s using probiotic bacteria that produce a specific peptide, macrophage activating factor, which is one of the ways that our bodies communicate to macrophages, to clear viruses and bacterial infections.
Because these pathogens are tricky and intelligent, one of the ways they evade our immune system is by creating an enzyme called nagalase that basically disrupts that macrophage activating factor production. The SophiaFlow cream has the ability to be a transdermal (through
the skin) delivery of macrophage activating factor, and then it also has some other things that are really supportive like vitamin D3, oleic acid, chondroitin sulfate, and so it’s this wonderful combination to really increase lymph drainage, as well as to support the immune system.
Transdermal products such as Flow cream can promote lymph drainage and deliver active ingredients such as macrophage activating factor by simply applying it directly to your skin.
I highly, highly recommend this product.
Alternating between hot and cold water during a shower is a great way to stimulate lymphatic flow. When your skin is exposed to hot water, your lymph vessels relax and when they are exposed to cold water they contract. Furthermore, when your body’s exposed to hot water the blood in your body moves in greater volume outwards, towards your skin, in order to release heat and maintain the ideal temperature of your vital organs. In the opposite manner, when your body’s exposed to cold water, the blood in your body moves in greater volume inwards towards your vital organs in order to preserve vital heat. So by alternating between these two temperatures a couple times, it stimulates lymphatic flow.
Pranayama, deep belly breathing.
Nothing moves lymph like a deep diaphragmatic breath. It acts like a vacuum pulling lymph through your body and filtering out toxins. Deep breathing enhances lymphatic stimulation ten times the normal rate. Constant shallow breathing will increase lymphatic congestion. So if you want to become healthier, take deep diaphragmatic breaths regularly.
- BONUS: Use Breathe Essential Oil prior to your exercise,
breathing, yoga exercises
Increasing the oxygen supply to tissue facilitates a healthy immuneresponse and may prevent cancer. Exercise stimulates blood circulation and the transportation of oxygen to tissues and cells. The lack of exercise leads to an accumulation of toxins in muscles. Tumors thrive in a low oxygenated environment and this condition known as hypoxia promotes the invasion of cancer and its growth.
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