- Due to the weight, Breast Implants negatively impact our posture, rolling our shoulders forward, closing our heart and making it more difficult to stand up tall. According to Tony Robbins, Harvard Business School did a study proving that just 2 minutes in a “power pose” (think Wonder Woman or Superman – standing tall, chest out, head up) can have a radical impact on your biochemistry. In the group they sampled, testosterone increased 20%, cortisol (stress hormone) levels decreased 25% and risk tolerance increased 33%. Read more HERE.
- When we have Breast Implants installed, we permanently lose connective tissue AND hence tissue function in the lower, outer portion of our Pectoral muscles. This impacts proper posture, rib alignment, digestive function, healthy breathing and our ability to move in functional ways in yoga, fitness and athletics. WHY are we not told this?
- In a focused group of women they studied, they found that EVERY woman had 10 bacteria trapped in between their breast implants and the capsule her body built around the implant. These bacteria are not reachable to the immune system, and hence wears it out and allows the bacteria to spread throughout the body. One they found on my pathology report was the most prevalent species that causes acne. “The conventional perspective of acne pathogenesis holds that Propionibacterium acnes colonizes the duct of the sebaceous follicle, causing an innate immune response and the progression from a so-called noninflammatory comedo to an inflammatory papule, pustule, or nodule.” No wonder why so many women with breast implants struggle with acne, not resolved by antibiotics. At best it works short term, but if the antibiotics can’t reach the trapped bugs, it creates Superbugs and can cause a worsening of the immune system, while the unaccessible pathogens putrify and rot inside of the body. This is the MAIN reason we recommend not only detox but also to run Advanced Diagnostic Gut testing either just prior to explant or after to see which infections and bugs have grown systemic that need to be eradicated.
If you’ve already made the choice to Explant, and have a Surgery date scheduled OR if you’ve already explanted and are looking to expedite your healing journey, we’re here for you. CLICK HERE to read more about how we can help, where you can schedule a call with us to determine if we’re a good fit to work with one another.